Press Play

Raana Press Play
1 min readMar 2, 2021

Don’t know about you, but the very thought of heading to a music gig or concert stirs a great pleasure in my mind, body & soul. From the very first one, not knowing what to expect, to the 50th still with an element of the unknown but also the knowledge that you will enjoy the event no matter what.

It’s the exuberance in the air, feeding off the crowd, like you yourself are up on stage about to release your epic musical talents, only you don’t have the responsibility they do of having to create a joy for every person before you.

Generally & almost always you will love every minute of it simply because you chose to be there. You like & love what is about to happen as do the rest of the people around you. I mean why would you pay & attend something you don’t value unless you really had to. Music is half choice & half inbuilt, a passion that comes naturally to all of us, if you can play an instrument or sing even better as you understand the joy you are experiencing. Understanding and knowledge are POWER.

I myself am a music simpleton, the most I can do is press the play button on my music device, & explain how music makes me feel, makes me move & takes me away to another place.



Raana Press Play

Heading towards 40 and still unsure of what I am actually doing in life, calming my mind by getting some of it out, Music is one constant so Press Play.